Saturday, November 22, 2008

Prophecies in the Sibylline Books

The Sibylline Books, which were stored in the temple of Jupiter after their purchase, were used to predict the future of Rome. For 500 years, priests consulted them when bad omens approached, looking for ways to please the gods. In this aspect they are different than other oracles because they look for ways to make amends with the gods in the event of disaster instead of trying to predict when disaster would strike them. They are said to have been consulted concerning the following events: an earthquake in 461 BC, an outbreak of distemper in 399 BC, showers of stones falling from the sky in 343 BC, and various other disasters. In each case the books were interpreted by choosing a random line and making an acrostic out of the words in that line. These verses were then used as directions on how to please the gods. Unfortunately, these books were destroyed in a fire in 83 BC.

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